Yoga for Surfers
Yoga for surfers!
Here are a few ideas before you jump in the water.
Share it with any surfer rats you know!
Eagle arms - one arm under the other, lift elbows and round shoulders for an upper back stretch.
This one is great for stretching out your adductors.
Gently alternate bringing a shoulder to the middle whilst gently pressing the knees out.
A slight modification to a standard forward fold to stretch the hamstring and glute.
Bring one leg in front of the other, feet side my side, hinge forward from hips.
Downward dog to upward dog - repeat a few times (coming through a high and low plank).
Opt for cobra before coming into a full upward dog whilst your spine warms up.
Low lunge with an added quad stretch.
The last two are to get your spine moving - rounding and then pressing the chest forward.
A little alternative to cat cow stretches.
If your legs and glutes need some extra attention download Get Split.